Process poultry farm business performance calculations

2:21 PM
Process poultry farm business performance calculations


In this article, I share very practical, real-world tips about the relevant performance metrics you can calculate daily, weekly, monthly, and in the end of the year to determine accurately whether your business in every poultry farm works optimally stage.

performance indicators of these procedures is not total. In other words, it is not measured in terms of monetary value. Instead, they have no units, as ratios and rates of use percentages and ratios that help to (a) create a natural direction for the behavior of your farm '(b) to quickly identify / detect departures from this trend, so you can take appropriate / corrective action time.

Note that these measures are tried and tested and have already been built in the application of customized spreadsheet program has been built for the client who runs the twelve thousand (12,000) Commercial poultry layer.

you can quickly and easily Performance Indicators Account to check your farm in the health

will interest you to know that this client in fact does not currently ALL data input in the application software on the computer his laptop, using a copy of the form filled caught allocated records I designed (after a visit to the farm, which involves a review of the existing records / need) for use by farm staff every day.

and once one shared with me how he detected some anomalies in the data recorded by the supervisor, using automatically calculated performance indicators in the program.

point being made here is that knowing you can calculate performance metrics to examine the extent of your farm is doing in terms of operations and financial affairs, it is critical.

you can do it yourself, simple calculations, in fact, easy to use. However, when you're running a large (or agriculture) farm project, you may get to a point where it would be more value-added, and if you save yourself the hassle of having to do such calculations manually.

Alternatively, you can automate account (using dedicated programs like mine), and spend your time doing administration smarter business your farm through the study of trends in performance indicators over time, so as to take the time / effect decisions that lead to overall profitability.

here are three (3) performance metrics poultry farm business is very useful you should know and use regularly:

(1). The mortality rate (%)

In the course of a group of birds in the poultry farm planting cycle, there will be deaths or losses that occur for a variety of reasons. It could be outbreaks of disease, fire, predators, and so what is important is to put in place measures to prevent re-occurrence.

then you need exact documentation of these losses to be done, with the necessary inventory adjustments being made records.

There are no farms that would be death. However, the farmer must manage to keep it to a minimum. You will be able to monitor the mortality rate easily by day computing. In this way, you can detect any changes, while at the right time, so there are no surprises at the end of the month!

Incidentally, when you follow this indicator, you will find it easier to reconcile the unexpected drops otherwise in egg production.

to calculate the mortality rate (%):

The number of dead birds × 100
--------------------- -
(share opening + closing exchange layers) × 0.5

(2). Production on the chicken (%)

documented records properly deaths will help accurate estimate of the production on the chicken - which is the number of eggs produced divided by the total number of put birds at the farm during the period considered, assuming each bird lays an egg per day.

It is known that birds actually takes about 26 hours to put another egg after the previous one. This is why we do not expect to set a target of 100% on the production of chicken from the herd we have. It would be reasonable to expect instead that 80 to 0 percent of the birds and lay eggs every day, so that if our calculations yield results within this range, it suggests a satisfactory performance to a reasonable extent.

and for the account on the chicken (%):

The number of eggs produced × 100
-------------------- ---
(opening stock + closing exchange layers) × 0.5

and the production of chicken on your way reflect the decline recorded deaths, unless you account as described above. This understanding and help compare your results with other farms that may not be conscious of this subtle difference.

Note that this method calculation helps you really check whether or not your birds are getting less productive, as it prevents the losses that occur from taking those birds alive still seems to be a lot less - put something that can make you start anxiety or take corrective action unnecessary otherwise.

(3). Feed rate (grams per bird)

records are available from the farm, reading and writing only indicate that each bird status should eat about 100-105 grams per day.

to calculate the feed rate (grams per bird):

Total Kilogrammes feed Q 1000 × 100
------------------ - -----------
(open stock stock + closure of classes) × 0.5

by the total Kilogrammes converted to grams) to feed the birds planted to divide the total number of birds per day will be able tell you how well you feed it; if undernourished or be on the Fed.

Each case has its own effects. Under-nutrition can lead to poor planting. Feed translates to waste - and of course, the high cost of production, which certainly wants to avoid so as not to eat into your profit margin!

through the feeding rate is calculated for each battery cage or pen every day, and you can quickly check and confirm if the birds have access to an appropriate amount of food needed. It would also help to balance the stock of feed trace, and thus help in the planning of new purchases.

Important notes:

1). To achieve a "weighted " - and therefore more realistic - as a result, the formulas outlined above average usage derived from the sum of the opening and closing stocks of birds transplantation, and the denominator.

2). If you do not have paper on a farm data recording system reliably kept hard by qualified staff in your farm, and you will not be able to rely on all the results obtained from the calculation of these indicators of performance. It would be like what is being said is often the computer: garbage in garbage out (GIGO)!


There are a lot of people run businesses poultry farm here. Many plan to start. He hopes the number to borrow money from the banks, or friends / relatives to launch them. Unfortunately, very few - just like their counterparts growing catfish - they have no knowledge of what it takes to mange intelligently aspects of business data analysis for their projects.

and sound knowledge of how the operational performance of the work your farm measure is necessary to ensure long-term success. The three indicators have discussed above can help in this regard. Learn how to use them.

but that's just one side of it . You also need to know how the financial performance of the work your farm measure - and perhaps compare it to other farms or even on a general level.

There are at least three financial performance ratios can be calculated that can tell you if your farm business is growing or not.

will tell you if you could have done better at the end of this year compared to last year or two (2) years before. They will also say to those who invest in your business, (or who want / plan to) how financially strong and work your farm - compared to last year etc.

If you are looking to buy agricultural business, and you want to know how to calculate these ( 3) ratios of the three, to make sure your investment is worthwhile!

Note that the financial ratios mention is no overall measures such as the income statement (also known as report profit and loss) or net worth statement (also known as the balance sheet). It measures not based unit, which makes them (such as those indicators to measure agricultural operations discussed above) is easy to use for comparison.

you can get a special report in detail how to calculate these very strong financial performance ratios agribusiness from me.

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