5:25 PM
Consumer disease

why the vast majority of Americans suffer from the disease and what you can do if you Ailing

Martin Osterhoff * on the way to the mall for the fourth time this week. It's back to get the shoes saw earlier while shopping with her daughter. Martin admits she will have to use a credit card to buy shoes, card and it's already pushed to the limit to her, but she says her husband with a laugh, "I can not help myself, it's like a disease with me."

problem, Martin is not laughing matter. Like many other Americans, it is in the habit of getting what you want, even if they do not have the funds necessary to cover her intense desire. "With all the options, I just get so caught up in the possibilities," says Martin. "Moreover, I work and pay for all my own, so I feel like I've got it."

Gary Praxton * feels the same way. "Last year I spent $ 4,000 on electronic equipment for the home, simply 'cause I wanted it, and I've got it," he says. "My wife was yelling at me before the end of the year, but even then I saw the ads for the CD player you want to sneak into my office and buy it."

Martin and Gary are not alone in the relentless pursuit of clothing, electronics, music and other material goods.

consumption Disease:

cries product-oriented society today in us to get the attention and demands that we buy. Americans have collapsed to the media hype and emotional, and become accustomed to spending and borrowing in order to respond to the call of warning sirens consumer because they are never the issue of whether they should buy something. Like Martin Osterhoff, they are asking themselves only if there will be enough money to make the minimum monthly payment. Even if there were not enough funds, many Americans buy the products anyway, driven to consume by the employer to create their own - one born of guilt, greed, pride, materialism, and expectation. We call this reckless "disease of consumption spending."

The disease stems from a lack of respect for money, respect, and that's been lost from our community as a whole since the end of the Great Depression 60 years ago. Depression people learned a deep respect for money and power over life. It also teaches them the importance of self-denial and the risk of over-indulgence. Unfortunately, as America came from the economic big trial in the most prosperous in the history each time, he later generations did not learn to fear and respect for money as it should. Instead, the children learn to hold their hands in expectation. Because of that, we now live in a great time of self-indulgence and very little financial restraint.

today's generation, instead of fearing it would not be anything, it is feared that there will be everything.

Many people today spend money as a way to feel powerful and able to meet any and all desires. Clearly consumption disease in our nation's personal savings rate, which hovered around negative.02 percent in recent years!

If the disease from the consumption is making you sick, you can do something about it:

First, ask yourself if you've there is a problem with excessive spending. Awareness is the first step.

Second, examine your feelings about spending money. Ask yourself why you need or want the item before you buy them.

Third, begin to track your spending. Study your habits during the past 12 months by looking at the receipts and other records of account. These priorities and your values ​​will reveal. It will be a very emotional experience and can cause you to ask, "Why would I spend money for that?"

once you have a clear picture of the way you feel about money, and what you want to spend, you're better prepared to make informed decisions about where to have the money to spend. Those patients with the disease from the consumption does not feel the need to make a choice, but remember, you can have anything you want, you just can not have it all.


* names to protect privacy.

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