What is the motivation? True story to illustrate the meaning of

3:35 PM
What is the motivation? True story to illustrate the meaning of

What is the motivation? It's a question I have been asked many times. I've been working in the field of motivation for 17 years now. Not only my career is my passion and something that I enjoy both learning and improving in others, and also taught myself.

I feel driven to write this article because of what I see happening around me now on a daily basis. A lot of suffering and feeling beaten and bruised because of the incompetence and greed, which now seems to govern our world. Politicians self-serving and the lucky few who seem to run our governments to achieve personal gains on the machines large companies that seem intent on fleecing every penny of us just a "floater" can be hard just to keep yourself going.

in this series of articles I will endeavor to help you understand.

· What is the motivation and mechanics are increasing our own motivation

· How can we make sure that we are "motivated by positive"

· How to overcome obstacles so it can often weaken and dilute our motivation 'positive'

I do this because I really care, I do this because I know that your life, my life and the lives of every individual can be so much more fulfilling and rewarding with only a few disk is a little too simple of the way we look for ourselves and the world around us.

for that, "What is the motive?

first" stimulus "is just a word, and the dictionary definition is:



  • one reason or reasons for doing something.
  • (2) the desire to do something. enthusiasm.

the first definition of "justifiable to do something "is the most accurate and concise definition. in all these years I've been working with members of the huge range of backgrounds and professions, it is very clear that we are always motivated. with all the work and behavior of the offer evidence of our motives and what our motivation or do. even sitting here reading now this is the motivation for you!

The point is that the motive is a constant, it drives everything we do and all the findings / results we achieve. this is such an important point if you really want to understand the motives. often people associate with the wrong motivation positive actions and positive outcomes / results, but even when we work and act in a way serves no tangible benefit to ourselves, we are motivated to do so.

see is the motivation and incentive by the emotional state we have, and how we perceive both ourselves and the world around us. Recently I have been working pro-public interest with some of the customers of the unemployed in the long term. My client really smart, capable and competent individuals who have been at the heart of the economic storm that has swept almost every one of us one way or another. One man in particular, and will call him Adam for this article (a pseudonym to protect his identity), is a good example of both positive and negative motivation.


Adam successful and driven career. Until the end of 09, the performance of the sales manager in the printing industry. Playing golf, he has a nice company car, and went on two holidays a year, and lived a very comfortable life with his family. Then work had helped in the development of got into financial trouble. They performed and it was a good customer and sales team performing well base, however, the company has expanded in 08 and borrowed money from the bank to increase its production to meet demand. This religion has swept the ultimate business and the bank was unwilling to renegotiate their terms even considering temporarily difficult trading conditions. Unfortunately, quite suddenly, in November 09 forced the business in insolvency. Adam lost his job.

I first met Adam time after he was made redundant. He came to the club executive work you've set up for one of my clients. It was my first impression of him was that he experienced significantly, efficiency and marketing too. He expressed confidence that he can find a new job quickly and looking in his autobiography, and I had to agree that it would be an excellent candidate for any company seeking to improve the function of sales. Adam was confident and positive joy to work with. He not only played an active role in the club's post for himself, but was excellent to work with and advise some of the other members. Then one day he stopped coming. I heard nothing from Adam that assumes that, for understandable reasons and I am sure you will agree with me, that he had found another job.

I next encountered Adam May 2011. To be honest I did not actually recognize him. It was a shadow of himself. He looked disheveled, beaten and brow beaten. And it has had a positive air deserted and drive him and he now is an aura of cynicism that followed in the room. We sat down and we talked and I saw such a difference from someone I met for the first time a few years ago. He went positive outlook and confidence. The smile and the desire to help others and share experiences he has gone. Replaced by these positive qualities with bitterness that seemed to take over the whole of his being.

I share this story with you because it shows the good and bad of the stimulus. It shows how our understanding of ourselves and the world around us has a direct impact on our behavior and stimuli we have that in turn affects the results that can not, achieve. See Adam stopped coming to the club and the job not because he found a new job but because he had run out of time and money. The bank is trying to recover his home and led him into bankruptcy. Adam stopped coming, also admitted later, because he was ashamed of the situation in which he found himself in a really believed it was no longer possible to help the other members of the group as a whole (the pride of working in funny ways sometimes!).

and Adam is from the year 2011, as I mentioned before, swept and overcome the bitterness. We sat and chatted for a few hours and I heard, unfortunately, is what I'm here often caught in similar situations. Adam unleashed a tirade of vitriol negative against what has become of our society. Zawahri criticized banks and companies to destroy the fabric and stability of our economy, and viciously attacked the government of pandering to the banks and corporations while leaving the hard work of individuals sincere to suffer and lose their homes and their pride. He was, at face value, a different man.

Now, I'm not in any way critical of Adam. In fact, I totally agree that we do not live in an era where we, the people, and played the second round for those who are in power, as you will no doubt guess from my perspective maneuver the opening to this article. The problem was simple, what good is this doing to Adam? How was the service? More importantly this article, how had it been carried out his motives?

he asked Adam about his current activity search for a job. What he was doing to improve the status? The answer I got is very common in the current climate "Nothing, gave up months. I mean, what is the bottom line! There are no jobs and there is certainly not a man, 52, like me. No one wants and worked 52 years for them when they can have some young graduates a much lower salary. "

Note: at this point I feel it is important to point out that faced many" graduates "who can not find suitable work as people do in the age of Adam. Age is certainly no barrier unless you perceive it to be.

So, how does this clarify what is the motivation?

As I wrote earlier: "Motivation is a reason to do something,"

even if that something "is nothing! Adam, like many, his condition allowed, and all of the negative experiences / painful affect how he saw himself. and he had to imagine himself has been muddied by external influences and the reality-based, direct and falling up in, and the recession the most any of us economic may have seen in our lives. this was the effect of changed motivation for him because he had changed his view of the world in which he lived Where before. all this happens he is looking forward to get out to the world and seen hope and opportunity and the possibility that he now is not only the suffering and the pain and anguish felt., where before it was driven to achieve and find both the same solutions and do now was motivated to do anything and floundering. the actual driver of this change in the motivation is very common ( some of reading this will see similarities in your own experiences) he, like all of us, and was driven to prove himself right!

now, this is no different from when he was director of sales performance. he believed in himself and that an executive competent performance and high and his actions and the actions enabled him to prove himself right through the development of the professional team and the successful sales. However, with the change of heart in the way it is now seen himself, "a man (52 years) on the scrap heap of life." (Note: his words not mine), his actions and the actions came now and again to prove himself right.

worked with Adam in the next three weeks, and attended my training "session to break your shell. Began to realize what was allowed to happen to himself and began to take ownership of his own self-perception. During those weeks, he (the man who met him in 09) returned, he began to realize that the fact he has a lot to offer any business, and was highly skilled and capable of very skilled. he can be a valuable asset to any business and that it was both a marketing and unable to work. he took a job after four weeks . not because of our conversation, though, that sometimes we all need a reaction a little personal to begin rehabilitating best of what we really him, and can be, but because he remembers of it. good and able man who finds solutions and achieve positive results, and he went out and began prove himself right.

so in conclusion the answer to 'what is the motivation? the answer is as simple as a "reason to do something." what I hope you get to read this article is that it is up to you to decide what it is do you have. My advice is simple, remember who you are, and think about what you have done and can do, and see yourself in the most positive way that will ensure that you go to prove yourself right.

I hope you find this article useful in some way.

greetings and good fortune,


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