What homeowners need to know when facing foreclosure

10:30 AM
What homeowners need to know when facing foreclosure

understand the foreclosure process

What is a mortgage?

Foreclosure is a process that allows the lender to recover the amount due on the non-performing loan by selling or taking ownership (ownership) of the ownership of the loan guarantees. The foreclosure process begins when the lender files the appropriate documents with the concerned officials (see below for more details).

Colorado Foreclosure laws

Colorado foreclosures occur either through actions (judicial) and out of court (non-judicial) in court.


judicial process when it is not the power of sale in a mortgage or deed of trust. The process begins when a suitable mortgage lender files with the court system. Borrower then receives a message from the court demanding payment. Usually, you will be given 30 days to respond with a payment or a written response to the bank's lawyer and the parties involved. If you do not respond within the deadline, it will be entered on the government and the lender can request to sell the property by auction. If you provide a written response with the court, there is a hearing and hearing process longer and can even frustration. If you enter judgment, and will determine the date of the auction, usually several months in the future. Once the sale of the property, and I was served with an eviction notice by the sheriff's office and must vacate the house immediately.

The most common method practiced mortgage in the state of Colorado is a non-judicial foreclosure process. It is carried out by the public trustee who acts as a neutral party. The process begins when the lender files the required documents with the values ​​of the county where the property is located. Public values ​​and then Files "declaration of election and demand" (NED) with the County Clerk and Recorder. Once the registration of NED, is scheduled to take place between 110 and 125 days to register for the sale of the public trustee of the property.

period of pre-foreclosure

There are many factors that could lead to defaults on a home loan, and ultimately foreclosure. Many are not the fault of the owner of the house. Perhaps it is a result of hardship (loss of income, military deployment, and health issues or family) or to "fraud loan" or "creative financing" by banks (adjustable rate or ARM, option ARM, negative amortization, or interest on these loans only) . Whatever the reason, facing foreclosure is not an enjoyable experience.

foreclosure process usually starts after missing several house payments, and has made various attempts by the bank to collect. Let's look at what usually happens, and what can we expect normally.
Day 1: you miss the first batch
Day 15/1: the grace period (some lenders only allow 10 days)
Day 16-30: The value of the late attack
Day 30: the borrower in default
day 45-60: The lender sends a "demand" or "breakthrough" message, and phone calls start
day 60-0: The lender sends letters and makes phone calls. You may be offered a repayment plan or loan modification plan.
Day 0-105: Lender refers to the loan / mortgage department mitigation section of the losses and retains a lawyer to deal with the foreclosure.
Day 0 - ?????: lawyer lender required documents files with public values, which then NED is filed with the County Clerk and Recorder. Once the registration of NED, is scheduled to within 110-125 days are sold in the sale Public property values.

notice of sale / auction

Once the NED (Note from the election and demand) are registered, it must be place your ad in the general circulation newspaper in the county where the property is located for a period of 5 consecutive weeks. Public values ​​must also send a copy of the notice published to the house within 10 days. Before at least 21 days from the values ​​of public sale, the public guardian must mail a notice to the home describe how to recover the property and stop the sale.

If a homeowner wants to retrieve property values ​​and stop the public sale, he must be "the intentions of the deposit to treat" with the General Secretary of the Office for at least 15 days to sell the mortgage. Then has until noon the day before the sale to bring the loan current and the recovery of property.

public values ​​usually conducted the sale in court. You must pre-bidding Date providers and have the funds available. The sale, the public guardian reads linear attempt made by the lender, then any registered party may try. The winning bidder is given a certificate of purchase.

redemption period

there is no longer any payback period for the homeowner after a foreclosure sale in the state of Colorado.

How to Avoid Foreclosure, what are your options ?

It's a tough word that most people avoid thinking ... until they have to. If you are several months behind on your mortgage, without the money for professional help, and at the end of your rope ... mortgage may be the only thing you can think of. It preys on your mind and leaves you feeling lost and prone to come additions of "professionals" unscrupulous, who say they are experts in foreclosures, but it is not. Stop!

may be in a difficult situation, but it is not hopeless. Mortgage is not your only option! My name is David Stitt, and I've got good news for you. You have alternatives. You can not see them now. But by the time you finish this short guide, and your vision and cleared, and the options for the future ... good choices ... I'll be right in front of your eyes.

You are not alone! In the US, foreclosure filings have risen consistently over the past few years, with more new mortgage foreclosures reported in each quarter, prompting the mortgage market to record levels. So you are not alone. But if you're like many of the thousands of people facing foreclosure, and I was scared and confused. I was soaked in a legal talismans litigation foreclosure. You do not know who or what to trust. You've undoubtedly hanging on the mat by the brokers, lawyers, warning you about the serious consequences you'll face if you do not use these services. Or maybe you've worked with mortgage brokers. Preparing the world - or loans from world-class - and then do not deliver. And then there's the mortgage owner of your mortgage, which is unwilling (perhaps after months of negotiations) to budge an inch when it comes to working on a more affordable payment plan.

In any case, I've probably through, and I'm not surprised that you have abandoned hope of finding a "good" solution, and may feel resigned to accept a mortgage and years of damage that will do to your credit rating. Again, stop! Do not fall into despair. Things are not as bad as it looks. There are other options.

a helping hand when you need them.
This survival guide is exactly what the name says it is: no-nonsense approach is simple to foreclosures. It was created to help you and other homeowners become more familiar with the details of the foreclosure process. I believe that knowledge is power ... and I hope that this guide will give you the ability to avoid foreclosure altogether.

Once you know the facts, you'll be able to take a reasoned decision to fine and thoughtful and then take the necessary action with confidence that you are doing what is best for you.

in the next few pages, we are going to take a look at the various options and the pros and cons of each. You will get the information you need to make a decision well educated about your situation.

What are the alternatives?

patience is a payment plan, which the debtor enters with the lender when they are unable to make payments in a timely manner, often due to illness or other temporary condition. In the dream, the lender allows you to delay payments for a short period. After you agree to pay for a few months missing bring the current account by making larger payments. The problem is, more than 85% of the debtors default after the first installment. They can not continue to make payments inflation after the end of the period of endurance, and they are right back where I started.

Loan Modification
loan modification is a permanent change in one or more of the mortgagor's loan conditions. This may help you catch up by reducing the monthly payments to a more affordable level. You may qualify if you have recovered from a financial problem and can afford to pay the new amount. However, the loss mitigation departments are now understaffed, under the experienced, overworked. Many nightmare stories on this topic of herders need to pursue and harass the loss mitigation departments to get their papers by paying to escape foreclosure. After all the trouble, and most homeowners are still deprived of any help and ends up in foreclosure.

partial claim
your lender may be able to work with you to get a one-time payment (the loan must be paid at the end of the mortgage) of the FHA insurance fund to achieve the current mortgage on your own. You may qualify if your loan is 4-12 months delinquent and I was able to start providing full mortgage payments.

support in Liu (Voluntary Foreclosure)
as a last resort, you may be able to voluntarily "give back" your property to the lender. You may qualify if you are in default and do not qualify for any of the other options, your attempts at selling the house before foreclosure were unsuccessful, and did not have a mortgage FHA else in default. "Mortgage" are likely to be reported on your credit report.

Virgin loan
This is where you take someone else to pay off your loan, usually in exchange for your property. Loans made after 1988 and almost never assumable.

many debtors will spend a lot of money for a lawyer to make a Chapter 13 bankruptcy - which is really the only payment plan - to inspect the house. In essence you pay a lawyer rather than the lender. Before work, I know how much this process will cost and what the new increase your monthly payment will be. We also know that if you miss a single payment, you have Chapter 13 will be rejected, you will need to Chapter 7. File this will cost more attorneys' fees, and assets, including your home will be filtered and your credit report will still Mortgage appear.

sell the property
If the home has contributed to the property you can and should consider selling the property. The homeowner will receive a check for the closing of the shares and above all what is owed and paid closing costs. Most homeowners in foreclosure, however, have little or no equity. Be careful list with a Realtor who can be linked to your property for several months.

Do nothing
when it comes to the threat of foreclosure, procrastination is a recipe for disaster. Do not do something does not change anything. What is not taken the necessary actions, you will end up in foreclosure and your credit will suffer over the next 5-7 years.

pre-foreclosure sale (short sale)
This program allows pre-sale mortgage lender in default to sell his / her home and use the net proceeds of the sale to satisfy the mortgage debt, although this revenue is less than the amount owed . It has two main advantages of the mortgage: (1) You may be eligible for a loan a new home after only two years instead of 5. (2) should be able to avoid a deficiency judgment. When selling a house at auction, and the chances of the lender ban lifted deficiency judgment increases dramatically. They will have years to come after, or sell it to someone else will.

As you can see, there are many options to consider - but you have to look! You can not stick your head in the sand like an ostrich and do nothing. Being in a state of denial is a bad situation to be in! As we said earlier, procrastination is a recipe for disaster.

questions you should ask

questions you need to ask yourself
1. If you Chapter 13 bankruptcy file, a temporary respite from my point of view mortgage payments means this will be able to stop the foreclosure forever ... or will I be able to keep up with my payments resume when I end up in foreclosure again?
2. If you choose patience, or pay the lender a plan to give me temporary relief from payments and I do not have now .... I'll be able to afford the monthly payments inflation that I will have to do in the future, or I end up in foreclosure one more time?
3. If I am unable to cover my monthly expenses now, I can abide repayment plan ... or should I just give up my house to the lender with a deed in lieu, foreclosure and accept a bad mark on my credit history?
4. If you do something now, I have more options available to me ... or should I wait until the sheriff is at my doorstep with the eviction order, and we hope that he / she will show me mercy?
5. If you consult with an experienced real estate investor, I will be able to get out of this situation without ruining my credit ... or is my only choice to spend thousands of dollars for attorneys' fees, commissions, broker and still run the possibility of my home loss?

to ask a broker your mortgage questions
1. Do you guarantee in writing that will close my loan before the cases go before a judge in court?
2. What interest rate will be charged?
3. How many points do you charge?
4. What will my monthly payments compared to what it is now? Higher? scale down? The same?
5. What will be the sum of all the closing costs be?

to ask your attorney questions
1. If I file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, it will stop the foreclosure or simply to stall it?
2. What are your fees for filings of bankruptcy and dealing with my case?
3. What will my monthly payments compared to what it is now? Higher? scale down? The same?
4. What happens if defaults because I can not make them?
5. I can not make a bankruptcy myself in the courtroom and save thousands of dollars?

to ask your broker questions
1. Do you guarantee in writing that you'll sell my house before my case goes before a judge in court?
2. Do I have to pay a commission if someone found what in my country who wants to buy a home?
3. How do I owe you if you do not sell the house and lost to foreclosure because of the judge's ruling?
4. In the case of non-sale price covers my indebtedness and committees your own, I have to get to my own pocket to pay you?
5. When holding your list equalizer house and qualify for the committee?

to ask the lender questions prevention have
1. Can you work out a payment plan (Dream) with me and will put everything in writing before you agree to that?
2. If you agree to these rules, you agree in writing to stop foreclosure?
3. What will my monthly payments should be compared with what it is now? Higher? scale down? Himself?
4. If I'm late on this payment plan, you start from where you left off with the mortgage?
5. Since endurance means a significant increase in monthly payments, you can tell me how many people end up back in foreclosure because they can not afford the monthly payment?

What do you do now

Step 1: Get answers to your questions.
you do not just need answers to the above questions, but there may be other questions you ask yourself. Do not be intimidated by the "experts" you are advisory. Remember that they work for you.

Step 2: Decide ... and follow through on it!
Once you have the facts that can make a decision on how to proceed, and that you need to help you. The more you work, the more you can reverse the spiral of your credit and changing from bad to better.

Step 3: Action now!
after you've done your homework and you feel you've come to an informed decision, and you're halfway there. Do not let the deadlock in the group. Do not procrastinate. ACT now before the window of opportunity closes.

One final thing to consider: Get a forensic loan audit!

The vast majority of loans made during the past 10 years, especially mortgages and mortgage rate adjustment has not been properly errors and violations.

forensic loan audit is the first step that must be taken to prepare well for any kind of litigation or any kind of solution when dealing with your lender. And using audits as a valuable tool to get your file to the top of the pile lender and get your cause noticed and heard!

For more violations found in your mortgage, the more influence you have to argue your case against your lender. With millions of homeowners seeking financial solutions, it is more difficult to get the results you want when you need them. You need all the way, all of the amount of leverage as possible! Forensic loan audit is that the tool!

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